The Sargass Sea Bishop by Jacek Yerka

The Sargass Sea Bishop by Jacek Yerka

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Statements of Purpose

What is your motivation in this communication situation?

My motivation is to teach people, and to help myself learn while helping them. It's a series of stories and anecdotes, with true teachings and wisdom passed down for generations combined into a "helping hand" style of book. It may not actually teach you WHAT and HOW, but it will help you begin your journey with more confidence knowing that someone else has done it in a similar fashion.

What do you hope your audience will do or feel or think after they have experienced the communication you produce?

I hope they are at ease, inspired, excited, contemplative, inquisitive enough to look further into the matter, and maybe a little bit braver as well. I hope they don't feel alone or frustrated or confused anymore, and that they can start their own path with clarity and confidence.

What would be the best possible outcome? What would be the worst possible outcome?

The best outcome would be that people are inspired to learn more and share their own stories. The worst possible outcome would be getting ignored or called a hippie wanna-be crazy lady.

What got me wanting to communicate with others?

I know that I learn better and pick up better habits when I am working with others who are going through the same thing I am, whether they are a little ahead of me or a little behind me. Talking it through with people helps. And since recently there seems to be an outpouring of people needing more in their spiritual lives, while not being religious, I feel it is necessary to discuss beliefs and supports we hold dear to us in order to help others. Not foisting it upon them, or shoving it down their throats, but simply saying "Hey this is how it was for me, here are some other ideas on how it works, take what feels right and leave behind what doesn't."



Late teens through late twenties, possibly even early thirties+. All genders, sexual orientations, races, and levels of able-bodiedness. Attitudes: yearning to be better people, open-mindedness, curiosity, spiritual but not religious

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