The Sargass Sea Bishop by Jacek Yerka

The Sargass Sea Bishop by Jacek Yerka

Monday, March 21, 2011

Timed Writing: Why do you quote?

Quoting another person's work is a sign of respect. Many poets put another piece of text before their own work, to show that it may have been an inspiration or it follows similar themes. Using quotes also tells the reader that this is not an original idea from the author or blogger or journalist, what have you. To me, it means they either said it best or were the paramount in their field and so should still be treated as thus. It can also be used in mockery or disdain, depending on the views of the writer and the person who first said the quote. It can be used easiest as a jumping off point for agreement or dissent in opinion articles.

Or, as Karla says, "I Win the Internet!"

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